Mae'r graig mae f'enaid arni'n byw

(Cyfiawnder Crist)
Mae'r graig, mae f'enaid arni'n byw,
Yn well na'r perlau goreu'u rhyw,
  Cyfiawnder bythol,
      dwyfol, drud,
  A bwysa'i hunan fwy na'r byd.

Os daw y gyfraith yn ei grym,
A gofyn am berffeithrwydd im',
  'Does geny' ond dangos
      angau loes,
  A gwaed yn llifo ar y groes.

Fy haeddiant mawr yn nghanol ne',
Yw Iesu'n feichiau yn fy lle;
  Ei boenau Ef yn unig sydd
  Yn gwneud yr orsedd wen yn rhydd.

Tystiodd fy Nuw o ganol nef,
"Ce's lawn foddlondeb ynddo Ef,"
  A bod ei saint, o fawr i fân,
  Yn haeddiant Iesu oll yn lân.

Mae ynddo hefyd allu mawr,
I gael fy meiau mwya' i lawr;
  Ei holl ddoethineb Ef a'i ras,
  O rwrydau'r ddraig a'm tyn i maes.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MH 888]: Antigua (<1835)

  Fy haeddiant mawr yn nghanol ne'
  Ffordd newydd wnaed gan Iesu Grist
  O Arglwydd cofia'th angeu drud
  Troseddodd Adda pen pob dyn
  Y moroedd mawr a'r ddaear faith

(The Righteousness of Christ)
The Rock my soul is living upon, is
Better than the pearls of the best sort,
  Everlasting, divine,
      costly righteousness,
  That weighs itself more than the world.

If the law comes in is force,
And demands perfection of me,
  I have nothing but to show
      the throes of death,
  And blood flowing on the cross.

My great claim in the centre of heaven,
Is Jesus as a surety in my place;
  His pains alone are
  Making the white throne accessible.

My God testified from the centre of heaven,
"I got full satisfaction in Him,"
  And that his saints, from great to small,
  Are in the merit of Jesus all clean.

In him also is great power,
To bring my greatest faults down;
  All His wisdom and his grace,
  Will pull me out of the dragon's snares.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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